Government Jobs

Find Government Jobs
Across the US
- There is no single database of government jobs. Here’s how to find the government job you want.
- What is one of the top government job opportunities? Hint: You use their service daily.
- How are jobs filled?
- When soon can I take the test?
- How can I find out what will be on the test?
- Find job opportunities for Veterans, military spouses, individuals with disabilities, and internships?
- Discover the best free Federal government job seeker tool!
- Temporary Census jobs available.
What is the
Civil Service Exam?
- An exam consists of one or more tests.
- How do I prepare for the exam?
- What do I study?
Civil Service Exam
Study Guides
- Here’s what to do if you’re not a good test taker.
- Study guides for most jobs including State-specific guides.
- Free sample test questions and tests from government agencies.
Civil Service Interviews
- How civil service interviews are different and what you should do to handle the differences.
- Practice civil service interviews.
- Answers to tough interview questions & situations.
Salary and Benefits
- How are salaries set?
- How do I negotiate my salary?
- What are the benefits with a government job?
Retirement Plans
- What is a defined benefit retirement?
- What is a 403(b), 457(b) or the TPS?
- Increase your retirement pay with your prior government employment.
Insider Tips
Review the Insider Tips throughout our site to improve your chances in finding a government job, getting the job you want, preparing for the civil service exam, boosting your retirement, and more.